Explore award winning DIT solutions like ((RADAR)) REMOTE, the latest revolution in the digital workflow. Manage your data, color, dailies, and more with mobile super-rigs to simplify and empower digital filmmaking.
Imagine you could shoot everything right next to your Post House so that the media from the cameras went straight to work. After all, they have all the right tools to handle every situation, from backup, archive and transcoding to editing and even ADR.
That’s ((RADAR)) ONE, the flagship of our technology.
Web Dailies
Never fiddle with thumb drives again. Instead, get your dailies beamed straight to your web enabled device with speed and accuracy. You have perfect control over who sees what, so you can restrict specific access or get everyone on the same page.
It’s the best thing to happen to a production since dailies.

Web Dailies
Never fiddle with thumb drives again. Instead, get your dailies beamed straight to your web enabled device with speed and accuracy. You have perfect control over who sees what, so you can restrict specific access or get everyone on the same page.
It’s the best thing to happen to a production since dailies.

and Archive
Hard drives are expensive. Discover our new Smart Storage solution for on-set backup and save your budget and the planet simultaneously. Then we'll lay your footage off to LTO tape for 30 years of security and peace of mind.